NOTE_Not selling for $222.!!!
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Please forward offers
Please forward offers
More Plates available
An Extremely Stylish Interesting and Affordable combination of both Numerals and Roman Numerals.
** N = NSW
** II = 2 [Roman Numerals]
** [Numerals]
**** So NSW 2222
**** NSW 8
Plates read as
N 2 222
N ll 222
N 8
Also aptly represents any suitable interpretation that you choose to apply.
Plates are currently not being displayed.
The plates look Ubercool in Black background Euro Style !!!!
but YES I can easily RESTYLE the plates what ever colour style and size of your choosing
PRICE? Please forward all genuine offers for my consideration....
Please call or SMS Peter on for info and images.
Suit any Sporty, Prestige , Performance and / or Classic Vehicle.
As the seller l will include the RMS cost to make the plates in your style of choice in the sale price [ So the final Agreed price is all you pay ]
I have more plates for sale
[ some advertised and some not, let me know what you are looking for, Please SMS me or call for details]
Last active 4 hours ago